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Kevin Hart

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We recently sat down with comedian Kevin Hart to talk about his upcoming role in the new movie “Little Fockers” which will be in theatres December 22, 2010. This is the third installment of the series with the first two being “Meet the Family” and “Meet the Fockers.” “Little Fockers” starring Ben Stiller and Robert Academy Award winner Robert De Niro, Greg Focker (Ben) is still trying to get in good with his father in law after ten years. With these two and Kevin Hart, comedy is taken to new levels in this movie. Kevin Hart’s role in the movie is the very patient assistant of Greg Focker (Ben). We asked him how it felt to work with so many seasoned actors and he told us how down to earth they were to work with and how the best way to be is like a “sponge” and to just absorb the information and skills from them. We also inquired how he got involved in acting and he said he was just in the right place at the right time, but he is a comedian first. His first and favorite movie to be in was “Paper Soldiers” since it gave him a chance to showcase his talent. “Acting brings more to my comedy and comedy brings more to my acting,” he says. He expects both his comedy and acting careers to have much longevity. One of his favorite comedians is Bill Cosby because he is a story teller and he found a great system who nobody can copy. One serious role Hart says he had to play was “Fools Gold.” In this movie he said he had to play a bad guy which he is not. Make sure you get out and support Kevin Hart in “Little Fockers” on December 22, 2010. Other projects he has is his tour “Laugh at my Pain,” which he is turning into a movie, a TV show on comedy central, Three commercials coming with Dwayne Wade, and modeling with Baby Gap! So make sure you stay tuned into Mr. Say it with your Chest himself!