BMI How I Wrote That Song Panel

To see BOB acoustic rendition click here

BMI held its annual pre-Grammy event panel at the Roxy in West Hollywood. The panel titled “How I Wrote That Song” featured a variety of highly accomplished artists including hip-hop icon Snoop Dogg, songwriter/artist B.o.B., hip-hop icon Busta Rhymes, songwriter Evan Bogart, and hit songwriter Luke Laird. The afternoon was filled with great music as well as fun and entertaining stories of how the artist’s most successful songs came to be. The audience stayed captivated while listening to the artists share details of what and who influenced them throughout their careers. Everyone attending got an unexpected and special treat when B.o.B and Luke Laird gave spontaneous acoustic performances during the discussion. The panel opened the floor to a Q&A session where they gave helpful tips to up and coming songwriters and producers in the audience. The afternoon was inspiring and entertaining as the panel delivered helpful information to all who attended.


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