Eye Candy Saturdays

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For my hip-hop fanatics in Miami, Dream is definitely the place to be on a Saturday. When I think of Dream last night the word that comes to mind is “mayhem,” in the best sense of the word, of course. If you want to hold your composure, Dream is not the place to be on a Saturday.

The party, powered by Varsity LG is a favorite for athletes and the biggest names in hip hop, and whether you’re in the middle of VIP or by one of the bars, the aura of the party encourages guests to leave all issues at the door and dance your feet off with your friends or whoever is next you, it doesn’t really matter at Dream on a Saturday. The night is known for bottle parades galore and last night was no different, as DJ Efeezy narrated competitions for what big baller could buy the most bottles. The club was packed wall to wall with big spenders and a plethora of beautiful ladies.  The celebs that stopped by Dream last night (no surprise at this party) included Miami Heat’s  Micheal Beasley, and Mario  Chalmers, (who frequents this party) Roger  Mason and Mike  Wallace from the Miami Dolphins and boxing  champ Danny Garcia. If you’ve  ever heard the term “turn up” and wondered what it meant , just come to Dream on a Saturday and find out!


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