Garrett Davis Presents Mama’s Girs

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Have you ever been around a family and watched them interact and just knew you could fit right in? Did you say to yourself, I wish I was in that family, they are so cool? Well, after seeing the play Mama’s Girls by Playwright Garrett Davis, I definitely wanted to be one of them! From beginning to end, this play had me laughing until I cried. The sisters in this play were truly “off the chain” and I enjoyed every minute.
The characters included the strong, “I don’t wanna hear no mess” sista, Ruthie May, played by Samantha McSwain; the “funny and oh so lovable” sista, Paulette, played by Latonya Simms; and we can’t forget the sweet, down-to-earth sista Baby Girl Sonya, played by Julie Logan. To add a little attitude to the mix was the feisty Ke-Ke, played by Keya Hamilton, who kept our eyes wide open, and boy, the things she would say out of her mouth (smile). Then there was Ms. Bre, aka “Bre’Ana”, played by Kynya Daniels Milam, who was oh so cute and adorable. These sisters were a delight to watch and one could not help but to hang on to their every word.

Last but not least was Baby Girl’s friend, played by Tamieka Lee. She was a no-nonsense friend who had all the dirt and kept it “REAL.” Together, this combination was absolutely heart-warming.
I cried, I laughed, I learned, and guess what, I can’t wait to see the next play, because there are more to come and I know they are going to be incredible. There was even a guest appearance by Garrett Davis himself and that was such a treat! Sponsored by AARP and Gdavis Productions

, Mama’s Girls – A “Stage Play With a Purpose,” truly deserved two thumbs up! In an effort to shine awareness on care giving, the play’s message was clear and you definitely walked away with a better understanding of how to approach family situations such as dealing with Alzheimer’s and other health issues.

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