We All Grow Familia

We All Grow Latina Network hosted their first annual “#WeAllGrowFamilia” summit in sunny Van Nuys, California — dedicated to the top Hispanic mom influencers specializing in all things family. Tide was a proud sponsor and was present with their spokesperson, Jeannette Kaplun.

Through its safety program, #ArribaCerradosSeguro, P&G and its Tide® brand are committed to raising awareness on laundry room safety and helping parents avoid injuries related to laundry packets. Keep Them Up, Keep Them Closed and Keep Them Safe.

Other sponsors included Munchkin, Mattel, Honey Bunches of Oats, Yummy Spoonfuls, & Ford.
JoseResendez, FleishmanHillard on behalf of P&G Tide.

Photos by: Jarrod Williams