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Superbowl From A Woman’s Perspective

This was sent in from one of our female readers you can feel free to send in anything you write and can choose to remain anomalously if you want anyway take a look at what she had to say about The Superbowl…

Why I don’t attend Super bowls….All I can think about is traffic, long lines to be seated at restaurants, clubs being too crowded where u can no longer feel the A/C, malls ridiculously packed, etc.. I feel football is a “man’s” sport. Women go to the mall, nail salons, luncheons with their girlfriends on Sunday’s while hubby’s home with his feet propped up talking reckless to the television. Spending money on airfare, hotel, car rental, etc to go watch a bunch of men go back and forth on who’s winning and how much they wanna bet on the losing opponent is just a bit too much. I’d much rather go to a resort and soak up the sun. I feel that men go the whole football season anticipating for their “team” to win that they’re virtually playing on the field. You also WILL NOT see me at super bowl if I am not attending the actual game or events. Honestly, I don’t know how the women know who’s who when the men play with a helmet on the whole game. I’m definitely not jersey surfing on the net to figure out salary pay but some women are. A lot of women meet men during super bowl parties wanting to meet Mr. Right or even hoping to snag a ticket by swooning a man. He’ll only be looking for a “lay” right afterwards. Also, I feel like men can be real boisterous and aggressive at the events due to intoxication so I’d prefer to be home with friends and family watching the game in the comfort of my own home. I personally think wives/ girlfriends of players, females actually working an event, and actual ticket holders have business being at the Super Bowl