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Brand Buzz

What is the WuTang Brand?

The WuTang brand is the rebirth and continuation of the Wutang brand WuWear.

What’s the brand’s logo and meaning?

The brand logo is the ‘brand logo’ call it what you want what you like “the bat ” “The W” ‘The Wutang” ! whatever you like when you see it you know what it is ! it speaks and is recognized internationally think Mcdonalds
from the Usa to Mars .

What type of clothing does the brand consist of?

The WuTang brand is the Zenith to any and all urban contemporary street wear brands of this genre .the clothing of this brand consists of everything thats fresh new innovative and quite simply what the game is and has been missing with the Tang of the Wu and the style of fashion and its music infused edge. basically the complete lifestyle package for the generation .

Who’s the designer of your brands logo?

The WuTang brand is the brainchild and vision of oliver Power grant the original father and founder of the WuTang brand WuWear / executive producer of the WuTang clan and all things WuTang ! Power delegates and shares creative duties with his various collaborators on the subject.

Where did the inspiration of the brand come from?

The WuTang brand WuWear was inspired by the success of the WuTang clan and its movement straight from the grains of Shaolin .

What market does the WuTang Brand carter to?

The WuTang brand caters to the universe man woman and child.

How often do the collections come out?

The Wutang brand is full service spring /summer winter/fall .

Are you and your team thinking about further expanding the brand?

Yes the brand continues to grow and expand steadily slowly and rapidly as we speak .

Where do you see this brand going in a few years?

In the next 5 years i see the WuTang brand steadily growing and out pacing its competitors while reclaiming its top spot in the market as well as its market share in the respective ranks as long as i have something to do with it !

Where can people go to buy Wutang Brand’s Clothing line?

You can find the WuTang brand in the north south east and west and in cyberspace in a hot spot near you .


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