Young AC, has launched his viral campaign “Be Who You Are” which explores anti-bullying on the surface, and motivates an outpouring of promotion to love yourself, and embrace your flaws. Check out his top five reasons the movement is worth getting down with right here.
1.Love Yourself – #BeWhoYouARE is a song all about embracing who YOU are, self love is the best love. Because you can’t love anything else until you love yourself. (LOVE who YOU are)
2. YOUinspire – Whether or not most people like to believe it, somebody looks up to YOU. You may or may never never know how much of a difference you can make in another life by making the right choices and decisions, not being a follower. (YOUinspire. so BE YOU ARE)
3.Self-Progression – There’s always room for progress in your life in any aspect of your life. You should never be satisfied with gaining knowledge and knowing more. (MakeYOUaBetterPERSON)
4. FulfillYOURdestiny – you were born for a reason, understand the fact and be who you are meant to be. (#TimeDontStop) give yourself goals to achieve, self-discipline is key in bettering who we all are… (BootCAMP4self)
5. Lastly, this campaign promotes positive energy without boring music guidelines. this is feel good music, with a inspirational & motivational drive. (GOODmusicGOODenergy) You can’t change the world unless you start with SELF. Be humble and not cocky, Sure not arrogant! (ThinkROYAL2LIVEroyal)
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