Larry Morrow’s Celebrity Birthday Weekend Featuring LIL Wayne, Fabolous and More

Over the weekend in the Heart of Houston New Orleans Promoter and restaurateur Larry Morrow Celebrated his annual Celebrity Birthday Weekend. More than 10,000 guests/partiers did not disappoint. As well wishers from New Orleans, Cleveland, DC, Houstonians and more showed up to show out and celebrate Larry.

Kicking the weekend off at James Harden’s restaurant 13 Larry started the night with an intimate dinner with family and friends before heading downstairs to The Basement where the party continued with Kenny Burns who was the celebrity host and mc of the weekend and a live performance by Meek Mill. The next night was the all black party that kicked off with Lil Wayne wishing Larry a Happy Birthday before launching into an 8 song set birthday performance. Closing out the weekend Larry and Fabolous club hopped from one to the other with performances and multiple bottle wars to close it out…

Mark you calendars and be sure that you don’t want to miss it next year as it gets bigger and better every year and you dont wanna be one of the few who only heard about it and didn’t experience it